P-EBT: Things to Know
If you get a card:
• Support your local economy by
using it to buy groceries at any
retailer that accepts SNAP
• Don’t throw your card away,
even when you have used all
the benefits.
• Use your P-EBT card at least
once every 273 days to keep
from losing benefits. See back
for details.
The Softball games with Wynnewood have been Canceled today by Wynnewood. We will have Senior Night on Monday against Alex. Junior High games will start at 4:30pm.
MS/JH FB Game at Konawa next week, Sept. 19th, has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict.
Tuesday, Sept. 20, the HS Letterman Jacket Representative will be at the HS taking orders and fitting students. If you plan to order, a $100 deposit is required that day.
🏈 ECP’s MS Badgers defeat the Healdton Bulldogs, 6-0. JH Badgers lost to the Bulldogs 26-20. 🏈
The HS football game at Tishomingo will kick-off at 7:30 p.m. this Friday night instead of 7:00 p.m. Go Badgers!
STUCO is sponsoring a blood drive on Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm. Email tbowden@ecpbadgers.com if you would like to sign up to give blood.
Bus # 3 that goes to Katie has had trouble this morning and will not run. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Summer EBT for Children is a program that offers a food benefit package to school-age children who qualify for free or reduced meals. The purpose of this program is to combat child hunger by providing meals for children during the summer months when school meals are not available.
Our goal is to offer food assistance to income-eligible children during these summer months by supplying their families with more resources.
Who’s eligible?
All school-age students who are attending one of our 171 participating school districts within the state of Oklahoma and are receiving free or reduced-cost meals through the National School Lunch Program may be eligible.
Benefit package
If accepted, you will receive a benefit package in the mail with the following contents:
• SEBTC card
• List of approved grocery stores that accept Summer EBT
• WIC Shopper app document for an easier shopping experience
• Helpful Hints document
• Approved foods document that shows foods acceptable for Summer EBT
• Shopping list which shows how much food you will be receiving each month
• Each child will receive the following each month, for three summer months:
2 gallons of milk (low fat or skim)
1 lb of cheese
18 oz of cereal
1 dozen eggs
$35 for fresh/frozen fruits and vegetables
16 oz of whole grains
32 oz of yogurt
1 lb of peanut butter OR 1 lb of dry beans OR 4 cans of 16 oz canned beans
How to apply
Applications are available at Chickasaw.net/SummerEBT or by calling (580) 272-1178, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
PICTURE DAY is tomorrow. Please send students dressed for pictures from the waist up. They may change into pajama tops after pictures.
JH/HS Softball at WW for tonight has been cancelled.
ECP Homecoming Events: September 2, 2022...Parade and Pep Assembly Downtown @ 2pm, Coronation @ 6:15 pm and FB game vs. Allen @ 7pm - Wheeler Field. Go Badgers lasso the Mustangs!
ECP Spirit Week to celebrate HOCO is next week Aug. 29th - Sept. 2nd. Disney is the theme this year. See the link for daily dress themes. https://5il.co/1gpte
We had a false fire alarm at the Middle School. All students and staff are safe.
JH/HS Softball games have been canceled due to inclement weather.
Summer EBT for Children is a program that offers a food benefit package to school-age children who qualify for free or reduced meals. The purpose of this program is to combat child hunger by providing meals for children during the summer months when school meals are not available.
Our goal is to offer food assistance to income-eligible children during these summer months by supplying their families with more resources.
Who’s eligible?
All school-age students who are attending one of our 171 participating school districts within the state of Oklahoma and are receiving free or reduced-cost meals through the National School Lunch Program may be eligible.
Benefit package
If accepted, you will receive a benefit package in the mail with the following contents:
SEBTC card
List of approved grocery stores that accept Summer EBT
WIC Shopper app document for an easier shopping experience
Helpful Hints document
Approved foods document that shows foods acceptable for Summer EBT
Shopping list which shows how much food you will be receiving each month
Each child will receive the following each month, for three summer months:
o 2 gallons of milk (low fat or skim)
o 1 lb of cheese
o 18 oz of cereal
o 1 dozen eggs
o $35 for fresh/frozen fruits and vegetables
o 16 oz of whole grains
o 32 oz of yogurt
o 1 lb of peanut butter OR 1 lb of dry beans OR 4 cans of 16 oz canned beans
How to apply
Applications are available at Chickasaw.net/Summer EBT or by calling (580) 272-1178, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
The 2021-2022 yearbooks are in and are going home with those that ordered today. If you did not purchase one there are still a few extras. Cost is $50.
Send payment to Mrs. Henry at the high school.
****REMINDER- Students entering 7th grade*****
The Tdap booster shot is required by the state of Oklahoma to enter the 7th grade. If you have not already brought an updated shot record, please do so by the end of the week (8/19/22).
If you have any questions or want to inquire about vaccine exemptions, you may contact Terra Martinez at ECP Middle School. 580-788-2565 opt 2
Please join ECP FFA in the middle and high school ice cream social this Thursday! Students and faculty welcome!
The ECP Agricultural Education Booster Club MANDATORY meeting tonight, August 11 at 6:30 PM, has been moved to the High School Commons! This is for anyone who wants be involved in the agricultural program. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please spread the word about the location change!