All Juniors will take the State mandated science test tomorrow morning. MATC morning students please be at the high school by 8:50. Test will begin at 9am and should be completed by 11.
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Henry
ECP Art Students are busy being creative this morning! The public is invited to view over 50 submissions from ECP students at the Garvin Co. Student Art Show this Thursday from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the PV Arts Council 220 W Paul, in Paul's Valley.
almost 2 years ago, Tina Casey
ECP Art 2023
ECP Art 2023
ECP Art 2023
ECP Art 2023
PreK and Kindergarten cap/gown photos are tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Henry
PreK & KG Cap/Gown
Pre-Kindergarten enrollment for next school year is open! Students must be 4 years old prior to September 1, 2023. Parents must provide the following documents to enroll students: state issued birth certificate, updated immunization record, proof of residency (must be the physical address - no P.O. boxes), and if applicable a CDIB card and tribal membership documentation. Please contact the school to make an appointment at (580)788-2869.
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Earp
Congratulations to the beginning band members performing today with the SCOBDA Honor Band in Lone Grove! They have been rehearsing since 9 this morning and will perform with the all-district band at 5! Good job guys!
almost 2 years ago, Stephen McCleskey
The 2023 ECP Prom is fast approaching. Please click on the link below to see an itinerary and details regarding next Friday's promenade and activities. See you there!
almost 2 years ago, Angela Doss
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 High School Cheer Team! 22,23,25,26,28,30,31,32,39,40 Come to Practice on Tuesday in the gym at 7am!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Milligan
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Jr High Cheer Team! 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 Come to Practice on Tuesday in the gym at 7am!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Milligan
Wednesday, April 5th is cheer tryout day for both middle school and high school! Tryouts are closed to the public! Parents are askes to wait in their car. Tryouts will begin at 3:30 pm. Please show up dressed properly: white shirt, black shorts, tennis shoes, and a high ponytail. You may leave after your tryout is over! Good Luck to all of the candidates. Results will be posted on the school website!
almost 2 years ago, Angela Sawyer
Congratulations to the MS/JH track teams! These athletes competed at the Wynnewood track meet yesterday and placed in the following events: 6th-7th girls 4x100 relay 6th place (Kassie Busey, Gentri Condit, Kira Fergueson, Sofie Ille) 100 hurdles 4th place – Aubrey Gonzales 6-7th boys High Jump 1st place – Dylan Brewer 400 meter dash 5th place – Dylan Brewer Long Jump 6th place – Jesse Cook 8-9th boys Mile 6th place – Joseph Garcia
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Riddle
Last night, the ECP JH & HS Baseball teams grabbed two more wins! The HS Baseball team will be hosting the annual ECP Invitational beginning on Thursday, April 6-Saturday, April 8. Click the following link for the bracket
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Riddle
On Saturday, March 25 the following students competed at OSSM (Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics). Congratulations to all of the students for a job well done! Go Badgers! 8th graders Hailey McKitrick 2nd place 8th girls Tyler Casey 1st place 8th boys; tied for 3rd overall- 6-7-8 Joseph Garcia 2nd place 8th boys 7th graders Zanna Loriss 3rd place girls; tied 3rd overall - 6-7-8 Luke Gonzales 3rd place 7th boys Cameron Henson 1st place 7th boys; 4th overall 6-7-8 Blake Maines Semifinalist McKinley Maines Semifinalist Allison Luster Semifinalist 6th graders Breelee Patterson 1st place 6th girls; 5th overall 6-7-8 Noah Garcia Semifinalist Jesiah Turner Semifinalist
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Riddle
Pre-Kindergarten enrollment for next school year is open! Students must be 4 years old prior to September 1, 2023. Parents must provide the following documents to enroll students: state issued birth certificate, updated immunization record, proof of residency (must be the physical address - no P.O. boxes), and if applicable a CDIB card and tribal membership documentation. Please contact the school to make an appointment at (580)788-2869.
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Earp
Five Juniors attended the 2023 Oklahoma Writing Project Spring Conference at Oklahoma City University last week. Ja'Cee Thomas, Hailey McKinney, Daisy Meadows, Brinley Hines, and Paige Childress listened to Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Jerico Brown, and participated in writing sessions to help hone their craft.
almost 2 years ago, Tina Casey
2023 OWP Spring Conference
2023 OWP Spring Writing Conference
Overview Summer EBT for Children is a program that offers a food benefit package to school-age children who qualify for free or reduced meals. The purpose of this program is to combat child hunger by providing meals for children during the summer months when school meals are not available. Our goal is to offer food assistance to income-eligible children during these summer months by supplying their families with more resources. Who’s eligible? All school-age students who are attending one of our 171 participating school districts within the state of Oklahoma and are receiving free or reduced-cost meals through the National School Lunch Program may be eligible. Benefit package If accepted, you will receive a benefit package in the mail with the following contents: • SEBTC card • List of approved grocery stores that accept Summer EBT • WICShopper app document for an easier shopping experience • Helpful Hints document • Approved foods document that shows foods acceptable for Summer EBT • Shopping list which shows how much food you will be receiving each month • Each child will receive the following each month, for three summer months: 2 gallons of milk (low fat or skim) 1 lb of cheese 18 oz of cereal 1 dozen eggs $35 for fresh/frozen fruits and vegetables 16 oz of whole grains 32 oz of yogurt 1 lb of peanut butter OR 1 lb of dry beans OR 4 cans of 16 oz canned beans How to apply Applications are available at or by calling (580) 272-1178, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Riddle
Summer EBT
Congratulations to our five Super Smash Bros. players today for competing at the OESL Regional Tournament at OC. Those players are Drake Riding (5-2), Jonathan Christie (3-2), Kaden Richey (3-2), Jace Duley (2-2) and Terry Gentry (1-2).
almost 2 years ago, Stephen McCleskey
Come support the HS Band on April 15th!
almost 2 years ago, Stephen McCleskey
Congratulations to the HS Esports Overwatch teams on a successful season! They finished the year 6-3, tied for third in our district but unfortunately lost a tiebreaker to Noble for the last playoff spot. This is a huge success for the first year of this program at ECP. The Overwatch team is Hagen White, Jonathan Christie, Kaden Richey, Thomas Kennedy, Terry Gentry, Emma Faucett, Conner Maggart, Jarrod Christie, Zak Owens, and Nate Shrader.
almost 2 years ago, Stephen McCleskey
Reminder: High school students attended SOSU Scholastic Competition tomorrow....bus leaves at 7:15am. We should be home by 3pm.
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Henry
The ECP HS Baseball team will travel to Hobart for the Hobart Baseball tournament on Thursday, March 28-Saturday, April 1. Below is a copy of the current bracket. Go Badgers!
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Riddle
Hobart Tourny